Ideally located at the heart of Thakhek and a minute from the Mekong River, Inthira Thakhek has welcomed travelers with its comfortable, boutique-styled guestrooms equipped with essential amenities since 2008. Its French Colonial building has been beautifully restored with many original features retained for the attractive characteristics. The interior has been designed with a touch of contemporary style. Guests will appreciate its exclusive settings by the banks of the Mekong River and the local market.
The on-site restaurant is decorated with modern artistic interiors, allowing guests to taste quality food, drinks, and service while overlooking the historical town square with the traditional water fountain and locals in the nightly food and handicraft bazaar. Explore the 229 Buddha statues of different sizes and the Khammouane Limestone consisting of caves, rivers, and jungle, or have fun trekking, kayaking, and rafting in the fast flowing rivers and their waterfalls. If you are looking for a quality accommodation with great hospitality and affordable price, then you won’t go wrong with Inthira Thakhek.
- 12 Rooms
- Superior room amenities
- Kitchen Restaurant
- Inthira Bar
Head Office: No. 2D, Tuc Mac Lane, Hoan Kiem Dist, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84 (24) 3942 9922
Fax: +84 (24) 3941 6616
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